Bioplastics and Biopolymers

Bio-plastics can help-

Reduce reliance on fossil fuels

Support sustainability in the industry

And allow manufacturers to diversify feedstock.

Biopolymers  are the distinctively classified as the group of materials under which bio-plastics are included as Plastics are replaced with bio-plastics and also they-

Pollute environment

Pose a danger to wildlife

 They do not degrade quickly.

According to new research , it is found that Bio-plastics are just as toxic as ordinary plastics. Lets see what new comes with this session.

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    31st Asia Pacific Biotechnology Congress

    Singapore City, Singapore
    June 16-17, 2025

    28th World Congress on Biotechnology

    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    June 23-24, 2025

    28th European Biotechnology Congress

    Paris, France
    September 15-16, 2025

    29th Global Congress on Biotechnology

    Aix-en-Provence, France
    December 04-05, 2025

    9th International Conference on Protein Engineering

    Paris, France

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