Industrial Biotechnology Conference | Biotechnology Congress | Bioprocessing Conference | Biomaterials Conference | Biocatalysis Conference | Bioenergy and Bio-renewables Conference | Synthetic Biology Conference | Tokyo | Japan | 2022

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Welcome Message

Greetings from the organizing committee!

After the great success of the 26th World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, We are glad to invite all the eminent scientists, young researchers, academicians, Business delegates, attendees of previous congress and students all over the world to attend the 27th World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology November 16-17, 2022 Tokyo, Japan.

It is an international assembly to present and talk over the progress in Industrial Biotechnology based researches, methodologies, frameworks, developments, standards and applications of the topics related to Industrial Biotechnology. The congress will surely be beneficial for the researchers and the professionals on this topic. The event will be lavished with reputable speakers presenting their latest researches that will revolutionize the field of industrial biotechnology in the future.


About Conference

Industrial Biotechnology2022 has been designed in an integrative manner with a mass of tracks to pick from every segment and provides you with a novel opportunity to establish a scientific network between academicians and industries.

Conference Name



Industrial Biotech 2022

Tokyo, Japan

Nov 16-17, 2022




The two-day conference on Industrial Biotechnology will have more number of sessions and sub session on new-fashioned researches in the field of Industrial Biotechnology around the world.

The participants can find complete sessions and panel discussions on latest discovery in Industrial Biotechnology.

•              Lectures from speakers

•              Keynote forums by Prominent Professors, Doctors

•              Open Innovation Challenges

•              Poster presentations by Young Researchers

•              Global Networking sessions with 50+ Countries

•              Novel techniques to benefit your research

•              Best stage for business globalizing and networking opportunities

•              Interacting with editors of referred journals, different Societies and Association members across the Globe

•              Excellent platform to display the latest products and formulations in Pharmaceutics.

Interaction with subject matter expert (SME)

You all have great opportunity to interact with eminent scientist and businessperson around the word, during session you can ask your quarries or share your content with them. Subject matter experts will help in your recent Research findings.

Target Audience :

  • Students
  • Research Scholars
  • Scientists
  • Young Researchers
  • Biotechnology Industries
  • Biotech Food Industry
  • Agro industry
  • Digital medicine and therapeutic companies
  • Pharma, biotech, and tech companies
  • Health care industries
  • Venture capital, private equity, and institutional investors
  • Buy and sell-side analysts
  • Biotechnology researchers
  • Business associates
  • Biotechnology entrepreneurs
  • Training institutes
  • Industrial Biotechnology associations



Young Researcher Forum

The Young Researcher Forum welcomes the entire young researcher to exchange their knowledge, their research and interact with the eminent scientists. Young Researcher Sessions are organized at the congress of Industrial Biotechnology, to provide the best platform for Young Researchers/Investigators for presenting latest research projects with an in-depth analysis.


  • Young Scientist Award and certificate to the winners.
  • Congress delivers the best platform to showcase your research globally.
  • Learning about new technologies...
  • Best opportunity to collaborate with other young researchers..
  • Present your research through oral presentations.
  • Sharing of ideas with mentors and peers both.


  • Young Investigators like Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty are most welcomed..
  • Entries would be entertained below the age of 35 years.
  • Only one paper can be submitted per entry  (as first author or co-author).
  • All submissions must be in English.

Sessions / Tracks

Track 1: Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial Biotechnology implies the  use of  living cells such as bacteria, yeast, algae or components of the cells like enzymes to generate the products of industrial importance.  It is the most advantageous processes/methods to control some serious problems of modern industry.  Session includes  the latest  research which qualify  to use renewable raw materials and can contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and stirring away from a petrochemical-based economy.

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Track 2: Bioprocessing

Bioprocessing is the backbone of research  findings of life sciences into useful industrial product . The most important  growth  enhancer  in the global bioprocess technology market are the notable growth in the biopharmaceutical  industry enhancing  thrust on research and development,  high  demand for vaccine, and growth  in the field of technology. Improvisation  in modern  techniques will lead to bio-manufacturing industries for a great  circular bio economy.

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Track 3: Enzyme and microbial technology

Enzyme technology is the fundamentals or foundation of  Industrial Biotechnology. Quick technological growth is now refreshing the chemistry and pharmaceutical  industries to embrace enzyme technology. Microbial biotechnology is referred as any experimental application that uses microbiological systems, microbial organisms or their derivatives, to manufacture or modify products or processes for specific uses.  The development of quick and affordable genomics technologies and accompanying bioinformatics tools, and of high resolution analytical and imaging instruments,  has provided new impulses to the field and opened new direction of application, one of which is micro-biome engineering.

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Track 4: Bio-based products

Bio-based products are wholly or partly derived from materials of biological origin, excluding materials embedded in geological formations and/or fossilised. In industrial processes, enzymes are used in the production of chemical building blocks, detergents, pulp and paper, textiles, etc In Industrial Biotechnology, Enzymes have much importance as they are the foundation of  bio-based products like-




 Materials and biofuels.

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Track 5: Bio-catalysis

Bio-catalysis is referred as the process to speed up the rate of any chemical reactionBio-catalysis depends on-

  • Protein engineering

  • Enzyme immobilization.

Role of Immobilization can be extra-ordinary in adoption of Bio-catalytic processes.  By switching to bio-catalysis as the main technology For chemical production, we can switch to Bio-catalysis as it leads to-

  • green processing

  • Reduces pollution and cost

  • Help towards bio-economy.

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Track6: Biomaterials

A biomaterial is now defined as a substance that has been engineered to take a form which, alone or as part of a complex system, is used to direct, by control of interactions with components of living systems, the course of any therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. Role of Biomaterials in medicine industry includes-

Heart valves

Stents and grafts

 Artificial joints

 Ligaments and tendons

Hearing loss implants

Dental implants

And Nerves stimulation devices.

Biomaterials has application in fields like dental applications, surgery and drug delivery.

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Track 7: Bioenergy and Bio-renewables

Bioenergy is renewable energy produced from organic matter (called “biomass”) such as plants, which contain energy from sunlight stored as chemical energy. Biodegradable sources-

Wastes from municipal




These Biodegradables are the source of production of  Renewable energy. Bioenergy Research plays an important role in research related to biomass, biofuels and bioenergy.

Bio-renewable resources-



And bioenergy.

The utilization of biomass energy in our various fields can minimize our greenhouse gas emission. It’s feed stocks are profitable for the agricultural industry.

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Track 8: Bioreactor design and Scale-up

When it comes to the Bioreactor, then its design have much importance as it plays a vital role in Bioprocessing and Upstream processing. Its simple design makes it possible to control the degree of shear uniformly within a reactor (critical to cell growth).

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Track 9: Bioplastics and Biopolymers

Bio-plastics can help-

Reduce reliance on fossil fuels

Support sustainability in the industry

And allow manufacturers to diversify feedstock.

Biopolymers  are the distinctively classified as the group of materials under which bio-plastics are included as Plastics are replaced with bio-plastics and also they-

Pollute environment

Pose a danger to wildlife

 They do not degrade quickly.

According to new research , it is found that Bio-plastics are just as toxic as ordinary plastics. Lets see what new comes with this session.

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Track 10: Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology researchers harness the facility of Nature and corporations round the world to unravel problems in medicine, manufacturing and agriculture. It is the idea for the invention and style of biological catalysts for industrial application. A unique ethical concern about synthetic biology is that it's going to end in the creation of entities which fall somewhere between living things and machines.

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Track 11: Regenerative Medicine And Tissue Engineering

Regenerative medicines mean the bioprocess engineering area which belongs to stem cell tissue engineering here including scale-up and scale-down. In “whole bioprocessing” aspect the process is initiated from donor or patient biopsy all the way through by clinical insertion to the patients.
Bioprocessing for Regenerative Medicine is a completely new field, which may only be partially compared thereupon of production of molecular medicines. Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering are one among the fastest growing areas of research in medical industries.

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Track 12: Agri-food technology

In food system, The agriculture-food industry plays a vital role. The main objective of this is to feed the entire population of this world , mostly through the market relationship chain. The food system  varies by country with in the agriculture-food industry.

Techniques like-

  • Genetic engineering

  • Molecular markers

  • Molecular diagnostics

  • Vaccines and tissue culture

 are used by agricultural science for alteration of  genes in living organisms including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

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Track13: Marine-biotechnology

Marine Biotechnology also known for the Blue biotechnology. Marine biotechnology is the use of biotechnology, molecular and cell biology, and bioinformatics to create products and processes from marine organisms.

Securing industrial products and processes by synthesizing-

  • Proteins

  • And enzymes

Marine biotechnology may include techniques such as-

  • Bioprocessing

  • Bio-harvesting

  • Bio-prospecting

  • Bioremediation using bioreactors.

Marine derived enzymes are used in beauty industry.

Algae and micro Algae are used in biofuel production.

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Track14: Cell therapy bioprocessing and commercialization

Cell therapy Bioprocessing is a sub-field of bioprocess engineering that connects the fields of cell therapy and bioprocessing (i.e., biopharmaceutical manufacturing). One of the fastest-growing segments in the life sciences is cell therapy. Cell & Gene Therapy Bioprocessing  & Commercialization-

  • Optimize the process

  • Manufacturing capabilities and analytical strategies

  • Accelerate preclinical studies

  • Products into the clinic with case studies from different companies.

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Track 15: Algal Technologies

Algae are the ‘green gold’ of the longer term bio-economy as they became a valuable and sustainable feedstock for varied industries contributing to the bio-sustainability. Their application varies from biofuels, food additives, animal feed, novel food, bio-plastics, cosmetics, bio-fertilizers or CO2 utilization and lots of more. The market is rapidly expanding, and it's still not reached its full potential. Scientists are performing on new technologies and price optimization to proportion pilot projects to industrial production for a far better green and clean future.

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Track 16: Bioremediation and Waste Treatment

A treatment management system that uses natural organisms to get rid of or neutralize pollutants and covert into less toxic or non-toxic substances called bioremediation. For a successful and effective bioremediation, the system needs an accurate balance of the favourable temperature and nutrient content. It is an economical method in comparison to other pack up techniques, because it doesn't need an excellent deal of kit or labour.

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Track 17: New IB tools and technologies

The industrialization of biology offers far-reaching benefits at both the worldwide and therefore the national scale. Today, the main target is to enhance efficacy and robustness of microbial cell factories, suitable for industrial production of products in health industry. Strain engineering is to be done to enhance the prevailing either by mutagenesis or advanced targeted methods. If Industrial Biotechnology is employed to its full potential, it might be the simplest tool towards a sustainable bio-economy.

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Track 18: Bio-economy and Circular economy

The circular economy boosts process eco-efficiency and the use of recycled carbon to cut down on the use of new fossil carbon. Bio-based carbon from agriculture, forestry, and marine environments replaces fossil carbon in the bioeconomy. These are two distinct but complementary perspectives. The circular economy is –

Model of production and consumption.

It involves-


Leasing Reusing



Recycling existing materials and products.

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Track 19: Microbiology in Industrial Biotech

The biotechnology or industrial microbiology emphasis focuses on the roles that microorganisms play in industrial production, food production and other man-made environments. This program gives you a strong foundation in: Environmental microbiology. Food microbiology.

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Track 20: Biotechnology in Food Industry

Modern Biotechnology is helpful in enhancing taste, yield, shell life and nutritive values. This is also useful in food processing (fermentation and enzyme involving processes). So Biotechnology is beneficial in erasing hunger, malnutrition and diseases from developing countries and third word.

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Market Analysis

The Biotechnology market size valued USD 752.88 billion in 2020 and now is predicted to enlarge at compound annual rate of growth (CAGR) of 15.83% from 2021 to 2028. The market is driven by favorable government initiatives due to the expansion of the biotech sector in developing countries. Government initiatives are oriented towards modernizing the drug regulatory pathway, standardizing clinical studies, improving reimbursement policies, and speeding up the merchandise approval process, thereby offering lucrative growth opportunities to the market.

In In 2019, small molecules ruled over the pharmaceutical compounds pipeline with around 22 U.S. FDA approvals as compared to eight large molecules (biotech). Around four out of each 10 drugs are biotech derived, which may be attributed to the growing demand for orphan drugs and personalized medicines.

Moreover, agricultural-input companies are that specialize in improving the prevailing technologies that include the event of latest stacked traits in crops and new germplasm by breeding innovations and gene sequencing. Companies are that specialize in bringing agricultural innovations to the marketplace for improving productivity with sustainable solutions.

For instance, in February 2020, BASF announced that by 2029, the corporate will launch quite 30 projects for developing novel seeds, traits, biological and chemical crop protection solutions, new formulations, and digital products. Hence, extensive use of biotechnology techniques essential to reinforce agricultural products contributes to the market growth.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic behaved as a positive catalyst to market growth. Biotech companies are the frontrunners within the development of medicine targeting COVID-19. For instance, just after 8 months of the primary case of COVID-19, Gilead Sciences, Inc. received the U.S. FDA acceptance for antiviral Remdesivir for treating COVID-19 patients.

Additionally, expansion of the involvement of  biotechnology industry with diagnostic companiesdrug manufacturers, research laboratories, and multinational pharmaceutical companies for developing therapeutic molecules to focus on COVID-19 is contributing to the market growth. For instance, in March 2020, Pfizer Inc. entered into a collaboration with BioNTech SE for the event of BNT162COVID-19 vaccine candidate. BioNTech SE produced the vaccine using mRNA technology for the rapid production of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Biotech companies and associations :

  • Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)
  • Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA)
  • International Pharmaceutical Expedient Council
  • Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
  • Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA)
  • Biotech Industry Association (BIO)
  • European Biotechnology Network
  • MedTech Europe
  • Life Science Austria (LISA)
  • SBA Swiss Biotech Association
  • ASEBIO Spanish Bioindustry Association
  • France Biotech
  • IBIA Irish BioIndustry Association
  • Portugal's Biotechnology Industry Organization
  • ASSOBIOTEC Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology
  • DANISH Association of Biotechnology Industries
  • CEBR Council of European Bioregions
  • Norwegian Bioindustry Association
  • Finnish Bioindustries

Past Conference

Conference Series llc LTD takes great honor in announcing the commencement of 27th World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology November 16-17, 2022 Tokyo, Japan.

26th World Congress on INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Nov 20-21, 2021 Chicago, USA. and has received a benevolent response from all over the world. This has been conducted with the aim and therefore the categorical intent of promoting the developments of latest perceptions and concepts for exploring the high level of data reached by the scientific community on Industrial Biotechnolgy.

This annual conference brought together eminent scientists, Industrialists, Industrial biotechnology researchers, health care professionals, University professors, Biotech professionals in which many issues in Industrial biotech research were discussed in depth to provide up-to-date information to the world. On the opposite hand, the meeting provided a chance for an open and animated sharing of ideas and experiences.

The event implanted a firm relation to upcoming strategies in the field of Industrial biotechnology with the scientific community. The contextual and applicable knowledge shared, also will foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.

Conference Series llc LTD offers its sincere appreciation to all or any the Organizing Committee MembersChairs and Co-Chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of commercial biotechnology & Clinical Research who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.

We once more many thanks all for the big exquisite response. This motivate us to continue organizing events and conferences for furthering the Industrial biotechnology Research.

Conference Series llc LTD therefore, is glad to announce its 27th World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology November 16-17, 2022 Tokyo, Japan.

*Mark your calendars for the upcoming meeting; we hope to ascertain you soon!!!!


Socities and association


  • American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)
  • American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
  • American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
  • American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
  • Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
  • Biophysical Society
  • European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
  • Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
  • Genetics Society of America (GSA)
  • IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
  • Institute for Systems Biology
  • Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE)
  • International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE)
  • International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
  • Society for Biomaterials
  • Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB)
  • Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIMB)
  • Union of Concerned Scientists

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 16-17, 2022

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by